venerdì, ottobre 03, 2008

Miley Co-Wrote New Jonas Single

MTV News reported on Jonas Brothers' new music video "Lovebug," which was inspired by "The Notebook". Kevin said, "We have a dream of what it can be. It’s about capturing that idea. We want to make sure it’s always right". They wrote the song with Miley Cyrus. Nick said, "We wrote it while on the Christmas break of the "Hannah Montana" tour. So we were in the hotel room and sat down that night, and wrote it in about 15 or 20 minutes".

Nick added, "The vision for the song actually came from some different inspirations. But "Juno" was one of our favorite movies at the time and the soundtrack is always kind of odd, so we decided to put those elements in the song and it came very nicely. It’s really about just falling in love with somebody. And [how] if they break your heart, or however it ends, you think "That’s it forever" until the lovebug gets you [again]". No names were mentioned when asked just who the song might be about, Joe said, "It can mean anything. But for us, it’s throwing any past inhibitions to the wind".

Non ho avuto tempo per tradurre,spero di farla al più presto!

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